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The North West College
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Teachers must strive to achieve excellence as they educate the rest of the world.

-- The North West College
the north west college

to the journey ahead

The North West College is a structure founded by senior leaders in education and teachers combining all together many years of experience from different countries, schools, colleges and universities.

We provide qualifications specialised in education through the best practices and approaches. All courses and lessons are adapted to the individual needs.

The North West College has been rated Outstanding for two years consecutive in all areas; leadership, teaching and learning and assessment.

From your start to the award of your qualification, The North West College will constantly support you to ensure the best experience!


Award Education and training



Certificate Education and training



Diploma education and training



Qualified teacher status


Diploma in Montessori pedagogy



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Get in touch

The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.

-- William arthur ward
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Firstly, I would like to begin by giving my heartfelt gratitude towards the The North West College for proceeding such a challenging task to deliver and provide qualifications under such circumstances such as a worldwide pandemic (...) But I can say with full conviction and belief that the college had accommodated to each and every need of mine, they supported myself through this whole journey in the most positive and motivated approach similarly like I would receive if I was in a classroom. I now believe I am a truly changed and adapted student to learn online as well as in a classroom.

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A Special thanks goes to my tutor R.T, she had delivered all her teaching in full, tailored each lesson to accommodate her learner's needs, adapted and reviewed areas which needed revisiting, and most important factor of all she created a platform for learners to see a vision that is great and achievable for all learners. She developed a bond and formed a professional relationship with each individual learner where she ensured all learners felt comfortable to approach her with any queries or any concern we may have.

The north west college


The N.W.C is a leading 21st century Awarding Organisation founded to meet the developing education and training needs of learners and employers ENG.m the UK and around the globe.

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+44 121 517 0759

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