QTLS (Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills) status is the badge of professionalism for post-14 education and training, helping practitioners advance in their careers and demonstrate their expertise and experience to colleagues, employers and learners. SET members can gain QTLS status by successfully completing professional formation. Since April 2012, teachers and trainers holding QTLS status who are also members of SET have been recognised in legislation as equivalent in status to teachers with QTS in schools. Holders of QTLS are able to teach across all subjects and all ages on equal pay and conditions, opening up career development and wider employment opportunities.
qualified teacher learning and skills
About QTLS
How does it work?
The North West College offers a mentoring programme for candidates who would like to gain their QTLS via the SET foundation. Our qualified teachers/mentors will support you throughout the QTLS programme; they will help you to understand the expectation, knowledge and skills required to complete your online-portfolio. You will also have a minimum of three 1-1 meetings and two observations -if needed-.
In certain circumstances, The North West College can offer you a placement which is mandatory for your QTLS status. Your mentor will be joinable on Microsoft Team -you will be provided login details-.
We aim to deliver a very high quality programme and had only outstanding feedback from our previous mentees. Please see below the process of the QTLS programme via the SET foundation. Mostly, you will be writing about yourself, your experience, your teaching practice, your goals and aspirations. You must have a mentor supporting you throughout the programme. The programme lasts six months. If your portfolio is not successful at the first submission, two choices will be considered:
- SET asks you to amend different points and give you a deadline where they will be reviewing your portfolio again.
- You were not awarded or you have not submitted your portfolio by the deadline: SET will extend the deadline automatically to the next cohort.
- Under special circumstances, your portfolio’s deadline can be extended if you experienced issues to complete it for the submission deadline.
What are the entry requirements?
You need a recognised Level 5 initial teacher training equivalent to the Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS) or Diploma in Education and Training (DET), for example: PGCE, Certificate in Education, Certificate in FE Teaching Stages 1-3. You also need evidence of a Level 2 qualification in maths and English. If you teach maths or English (numeracy, literacy, ESOL, GCSE or Functional Skills) in either the FE and skills sector or in schools, you will also need to hold maths and/or English qualifications at a minimum of Level 3, such as A Level Maths or English or Level 3 Award in Mathematics for Numeracy teaching or Level 3 Award in English for Literacy and Language teaching.
What are the dates for the QTLS registrations?
You can express your interest in undertaking professional formation at any time. There are two cohorts a year: one commencing early October and one in early January. Those who have expressed an interest in undertaking QTLS will be invited to register and make payment 15 days before the start date. All workbooks will be issued on the cohort start date. The North West College next dates for the QTLS support and mentoring applications are: 1st August- 30h October 2021 and 15th November- 5th January 2022.
How much does it cost?
The QTLS mentoring costs 400£. There are two options for making the payment:
- Pay £400 in full by credit/debit card or by one direct debit payment
- Pay £100 as a deposit by credit/debit card and arrange for three further monthly payments of £100 to be made bank transfer.
- PLEASE NOTE: This is the mentoring programme price with The North West College and not the price from the SET foundation. Please see the price for the QTLS programme on the SET foundation website.
What can you expect after the QTLS?
Your employability will be boosted and employers will look at your profile with more interest. You will be recognised as a fully qualified teacher and your pay will be considered from the teaching pay
The north west college
The N.W.C is a leading 21st century Awarding Organisation founded to meet the developing education and training needs of learners and employers ENG.m the UK and around the globe.
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